Angela Wittenberg RDH
Angie Wittenberg is a clinician with 26 years experience treating patients. She began her career as an orthodontic assistant in Memphis Tn, then furthering her education with a degree in dental hygiene in East Tn. Angie has practiced dental hygiene in Knoxville for 19 years.
Since 2019, Angie has focused her practice on myofunctional disorders, sleep apnea, sleep disordered breathing treatment, the treatment of primary snoring, and optimal child growth and development. She has completed training at The Institute for Cranial Facial Sleep Medicine in Denver, Co. Angie received her training in myofunctional therapy through the International Association of Orofacial Myology in Charleston SC and is currently working on completing certification process.
Angie’s passion for optimal dental and orofacial health is the driving force in her treatment for all her patients. Angie is an educator, so in treatment you will know and understand WHY oral health and function are crucial to optimal wellness.
I highly recommend Angie if your child needs help with thumb sucking habit. She worked with both my daughters at the same time, and it was honestly so much easier than I ever imagined. We tried a few things on our own, but nothing ever stuck. Both my daughters stopped sucking their thumbs almost immediately and have been thumb free for almost a year!! We are so thankful for Angie’s help and only regret that we didn’t get it sooner.
To say that Angie changed my life is an understatement. Before the procedure and myofunctional therapy, I snored like a chainsaw, slept very poorly, and was on a CPAP machine. My world is totally different now. My snoring has dropped by 80%, (my wife is giddy about this, no more ear plugs)! I am off the CPAP, and I wake up much less throughout the night. I was hoping for an improvement but I am amazed at what a difference it has made in my life. I would highly recommend this if you are having any of these difficulties and might be a candidate for this procedure. Thank you, Angie and all! You have improved my life dramatically.